I had originally planned to lay back this past summer, do some art, read more books, and just enjoy the hot days swimming. But when Steve Niles reached out to me in the spring about publishing SCAB, I didn’t hesitate and jumped right in.
So much for a leisurely summer!
I made scheduling my priority. I decided to use Kickstarter because sales numbers from Diamond Comics Distribution had been decreasing steadily over the past year, ask any indie publisher, “How are sales?” with few exceptions the answer is “not great.” So I knew going in that I probably woudn’t be able to reach the required numbers to print this book. Since I have had past success on the platform and have been able to bring my books to comic shops using the platform, I turned to Kickstarter for this book.
This takes some careful planning as there needs to be sufficient time between crowdfunding fulfillment and when the book would be available on comic shelves. Diamond’s Previews features books 3 months ahead of the release date. I would also need to give the print 3-4 weeks before the book would be ready to ship. I had to run a pretty tight ship to meet the deadlines.
Here is a schedule I had to follow to:
All the work and planning finally wraps up and SCAB will be in comic shops on Wednesday, October 9th. With all the unknowns and work, I missed my target date by 2 weeks (the amount of time it takes Dimaond to get books from thier warehouse to comic shops. Still, not too bad and there is nothing l’s nothing like seeing your comic in shops next to all the other books on New Comic Day.
Keep Creating.
Thank you for this advice- I am hoping to use them to launch future books.